Our Inner Seasons๐ŸŒ”๐ŸŒ•๐ŸŒ’๐ŸŒ‘

I love learning about the cycles and seasons within and around each of us. Throughout our lives, Women evolve through these phases with clear and dramatic transitions.

When we are menstruating, we live mini seasonal cycles every single month guided by our hormonal waves that impact our moods, creativity, social nature, and sexuality.

Our Monthly Cycles

Follicular Season Our inner Spring

Physiologically this is when we are regrowing and nurturing our uterine lining. Our season of โ€˜becomingโ€™, we often feel motivated, focused, and inspired to embark on new projects.

Ovulation Season Our inner Summer

This is when our ovaries release our eggs into our fertile womb. Energetically, this is when we blossom into our full power and celebrate our richness and succulence.

Luteal Season Our inner Autumn

After ovulation, our ovary develops a corpus luteum that pours out progesterone (until a placenta can take over around 12 weeks of pregnancy). If we are not pregnant, the corpus luteum will evolve into a corpus albicans and our body will prepare to shed and bleed. Emotionally, this is when our inner critic is loudest and when challenges can seem more demanding.

Bleed Season Our inner Winter

Both the end and beginning of our cycle, this is when we bleed. This is the time to surrender, the time for radical rest, the time to reject productivity as a virtue as we restore and repair our body and soul.

Zooming out, we also experience these seasons throughout our lives.

Our Life Cycles

Maiden Season Our vital Spring

When we go through puberty and start our bleeds, we begin our Womanhood. This is the life season of finding out who we are and what excites us. Maidenhood is the time for embracing our independence as individuals and embarking on the adventure of being a young woman.

Mother Season Our vital Summer

For many of us, this is when we are growing and birthing our babies, building and nurturing our own families and engulfed in the heavy labor of parenting young children. However, you can still be in your Mother season even if you donโ€™t have or want biological children. This is our nurturing, life-sustaining, and generosity season, whether we are devoting that energy to our children, our careers, our gardens, or our passions.

Maga Season Our vital Autumn

The Maga has NOTHING to do with Donald Trump, but rather is the feminized word of magi or magician. This is also sometimes called the Queen season. This season is when we fully know ourselves and have the confidence, energy, and influence to share our truth and our gifts with the wider community. We know what inspires us, and we now have the time to nourish and support ourselves and also have the energy and vigor to nurture our communities.

Crone Season Our vital Winter

This is when with the wisdom and memories of a full life, we turn inwards and move at a slower pace in a smaller circle. This is our softer season. Our quieter season. Our time to speak our wise words and for the next generation to listen and to help care for us.

Read more about our inner and life cycle seasons here and here.

It is my greatest honor and joy to support so many hundreds of Women throughout these micro and macro seasons of our lives. The more I explore and understand these experiences and evolutions, the more in awe I am of the wild feminine power within each of us.


Dr. Lizzie