🌞Summertime vibes🌞

The Solstice has passed, school is officially out, temps in Eastern Massachusetts have been hot, SUMMER IS HERE!

For my family, Summer is a very special time when my husband gets to live a stay-at-home Dad life for a couple months, I get a little break from the morning and evening drop off/pick up routines with the kids, and as a family we get to both slow down a little, and also have some exciting family adventures.

One of my favorite writers and podcasters, Gretchen Rubin, always offers such a great reminder to ‘Design Your Summer’. Although it can be a magical time of year, it really does fly by! As fun as it is to have spontaneous summer days, if there are certain things you KNOW you want to do this Summer, go ahead and pick a weekend/text your people/buy the tickets/make it happen now.

All Winter were you dreaming of having a picnic dinner at an outside concert or Shakespeare on the Common? Go ahead and look up dates and times now!

Have you been meaning to take your kids to an amusement park? Which weekend are you going to go?

Do you want to go strawberry picking this Summer? Well, make sure you look up farms and what weeks they offer pick your own!

You get the point, don’t let this season pass you by without making time for those Summer bucket list items. At this moment, when the whole of Summer still lays before us, is the time to start making those dreams a reality.


Dr. Lizzie
