Time to reflect on '22 and daydream on '23

Here we are in the final days of 2022! These past few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind making big plans for my practice, marking my oldest child's 6th birthday, celebrating Hanukkah, and then driving to Washington DC and back to celebrate Christmas with my husband's family.

In these next few days I plan to reflect on 2022 and start dreaming and planning for 2023 in earnest. A few years ago I started a practice suggested by Gretchen Rubin of making a fairly long list of different goals/ideas/projects for each year; this past year was 22 things for 2022, the year before was 21 for 2021 and now I'm starting to think about 23 goals for 2023. These goals span my personal, professional, and family life and range from really small tactical things to bigger, more long term projects. One goal of mine for 2022 was writing one of these newsletters each month, and with this entry I have achieved that!

The goal I am most proud of reaching this year is that I walked 900 miles. 900 is 50x18 and in Jewish numerology the number 18 represents chai or life. I picked this number as I knew the distance was attainable but still a big stretch that would need consistency to achieve, and the power of 900 as a number tied to life and luck felt like an even deeper motivator. Some of these walks were with my family and friends, some miles were logged in the many half mile commutes from Back Bay station to my Beacon St office, but the vast majority of those steps were taken in the quiet early morning hours through the woods near our home. I woke up before my kids to walk this beautiful now familiar 3 mile route most weekdays this year. I witnessed the Summer solstice, snowstorms, rainstorms, full moons, new moons, shooting stars, and sunrises. I said 'good morning' to deer, rabbits, owls, and even a few coyotes. This walking practice helped me start my days with peace and helped me connect to the natural world outside my door and her rhythms. It is absolutely a practice I will bring with me into 2023 and for years to come.
