Don't leave me Summer!

No matter if you have school aged kids or not, this time of year is a big transition from Summer vibes to Fall, and shifting routines for all of us. I'm mentally preparing to send my oldest child to kindergarten next week ðŸ˜³ and to take back over the morning routines with my girls solo as my husband returns to work as a high school teacher. 

When change is upon me, I feel more anxious and less settled. So many unknowns starting our daughter in a school system for the first time, and all that comes with that new chapter. I also know there is much work ahead of me. Logistical work of getting two kids up, dressed, fed, and out the door on time for me to still get to the office or the train station. The emotional work of helping a 5 year old transition to a new school with new routines, expectations, and faces. All the other work of parenting and house management that doesn't stop when new things are put on our plates. And oh yes, let's not forget my paid work of being a chiropractor and practice owner! 

It's easy for me to spiral into anxiety just looking at it all. To counter this stress, here are a few strategies I'm employing to ride through this tumultuous time with as much ease and grace as possible.

  1. Keep up the self care routines that work. For me this is keeping up with a weekly yoga class, taking walks on the trail by my home, making (and looking forward to, and enjoying) future kid free plans with friends and my husband, and going to my chiropractor every other week.

  2. Go to sleep early enough to get enough rest. I aim to start heading upstairs to get ready for bed around 9:30 or 10. This doesn't always happen, but I'm always better off when it does.

  3. Don't overbook the weekends. So much competes for our limited time on the weekends between kid's activities, birthday parties, social gatherings, events, etc. This is also the time when my husband and I do the grocery shopping, meal prepping for the week, when I sneak in that yoga class, and other random errands and chores that didn't fit into our work weeks. I know many people enjoy being busy and doing things out of the house all the time, but I am not that person. I am a homebody and really need the quiet, unstructured days of the weekend to recharge. I'm getting much better at saying 'no' to invitations when we already have something going on that day, but I can always be better. I want to ensure a few completely open days each month for a spontaneous family adventure or just to have a quiet day to play in our backyard.

  4. Be kind and gentle with myself and my family. This is the most important. Transitions are hard, so be patient with yourself and your kiddos as you all get used to the new routines.

I'd love to hear any tips or strategies that you have for navigating this back to school time with ease! Let me know what works for you!