Spring Cleaning.

Both my husband and I are the youngest of three children in our own families of origin, which among many other things, helped us amass enough hand-me-down baby gear and clothing to outfit an entire daycare. We have been incredibly grateful not only for all the money we saved in not having to buy so many things for our two girls, but also for the inevitable sweet nostalgia that comes when your baby sleeps in the same bassinet as her older sister, nieces, and nephew did or wears the same adorable outfit that once fit those other kiddos when they were that tiny.

I've been collecting, washing, folding, and storing these items in SO MANY PLASTIC BINS for over 5 years. Until this month! The time has come in my own Motherhood journey to say goodbye to the infant stage and pass along all of this baby gear. I kept a few special items for sentimental reasons, mailed a few of the nicer clothing pieces that weren't stained to my cousin and her baby girl in Idaho, and the rest I donated to this amazing local organization called Room To Grow. After making this donation, I felt about 1000 pounds lighter, and now have made a little room in the girls' closet for bigger kids clothes and toys.

Is it time for you to let go of any of those baby items? Spring is a great time to make space and room in your home by donating unused/unwanted items. This really can help us mentally too. As Gretchen Rubin always says, "outer order leads to inner calm."